I am linking up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay-at-Home Mom
for Happy Homemaker Monday
Hello! I officially launched my Christian Women's website last week. I would LOVE it if you would do me a huge favor and make a comment on one of the forum posts? Anything at all will make me feel over the moon! I do have to say the mobile site is still under construction though! Well-Versed Women
I hope that everyone had a very blessed weekend. It was warm and humid here in Detroit. I was able to get some things done around the house, do some writing, and relax.
The Football Draft thing was held in Detroit Thursday - Saturday. We broke records as to the number of people in attendance. 775,000 over three days! It was about 8 minutes from my house. I'm SO glad that Detroit is in the news for something positive!
Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday!
♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
 Monday - 80 and thunderstorms
Tuesday - 73 and partly cloudy
Wednesday - 80 and partly cloudy
Thursday -  80 and partly sunny
Friday - 78 rain
Saturday - 70 and rain
Sunday - 72 and thunderstorms
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
The lilacs look amazing now; they are in full bloom. Kids are playing in the park now, there are basketball and soccer games going on. The city is waking up.
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
I'm relaxing and writing this blog.
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
 Wondering how the weekends go by so fast. I'm taking a week off next month just to do some deep cleaning and work on getting my book published.
♥♥On my bedside table♥♥
I cleaned it! Books, candles, a cup of pens, my laptop, some hand cream and lip balm. Â
♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Under a lot of stress, but I'm giving it to God. I popped my left knee today and that was really painful. I'm elevating right now.
♥♥ Listening to ♥♥
The fans and Jeff scrolling through YouTube.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
♥♥ On the lunch plate ♥♥
Chik'n patty and broccoli cheese tots
♥♥ On the dinner plate ♥♥
No idea.
♥♥ What I'm wearing ♥♥
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
It's exactly the same as THREE weeks ago!
Writing: Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg
Research: Covered Wagon Women
Self-Improvement: The Artists' Way by Julie Cameron
Enjoyment: Just the Nicest Person by Christy Barritt
♥♥ On my TV ♥♥
Joyce Meyer
Stephen Furtick
YouTube crafting videos
♥♥ On the menu for this week♥♥
Monday - Frozen pizza and salad
Tuesday - TBA
Wednesday - TBA
Thursday - ?
Friday - ?
Saturday - Big Mac salad wraps with sweet potato fries (from last week)
Sunday - Roasted vegetable baked feta pasta (from last week)
♥♥ Looking around the house ♥♥
♥♥Plans for this week♥♥
Lots of work
Writing groups
2nd week of beta reads for my 1st book (my first review was so good, I almost cried)
Try to get people to visit my website - I am wondering if God is teaching me steadfastness with the website lol
♥♥ What I'm creating/studying/Pinning ♥♥
Writing my 2nd historical fiction book, pinning a lot of things from the early 1800s. Working in my art journal. Making free printables.
. Â
♥♥Praying for♥♥
Our world
Our country
Our government
All those caught in the middle of war
Our military
My family
I LOVE your "MEH" for looking around the house - some days are just like that. I loved Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg - it was reference book in a creative writing class a few years back. I will go check out your new site. Have a very blessed week.
You have alot on your plate right now. Wishing you the best with the book. Have a great week